- List of Names:
- List of Names:
- List of Names:
- List of Names:
- List of Names:
May 8
- Anne Bando
- Keane Vincent Boom
- Aidan Patrick Callahan
- Hanna Marie Dahlk
- Makayla Marie Eckel
- Matthew Neal Escalante
- Collette Jolly
- Joseph Daniel Kositzke
- Solomon Reuben Lim
- Mallory Elizabeth Malone
- Alyssa Marie Meyer
- Bryce Mogensen
- Cyrus Mogensen
- Parker Mogensen
- Kane Douglas Palmer
- Anne Noelle Paskey
- Caitlin Joy Perry
- Richard Aaron Ross
- Boden Peter Sack
- Benjamin Maxwell Shane
- Jessica Ann Shippee
- Isabella Maria Turner
- Salvatore Ziccarelli
- Anthony Ziccarelli
May 15
- Sydney Renee Antonneau
- Olivia Katharine Bergmann
- Jack Binder
- Isabella Louise Bratzke
- Ty Donovan Cairo
- Ian Michael Conyers
- Jessica Barrett Cook
- Kendra Leigh Dilg
- Faith Lynn Elrod
- Rachel Cecilia Erdmann
- Kaitlyn Marie Fritz
- Liam Patrick Gallagher
- Rachel Joy Gibbs
- Olivia Lauren Hellwig
- Lucas James Koeppel
- Jared Michael Loetz
- Payton Matthew Markowski
- Elijah Alejandro Martinez
- Jaylene Medina
- Skylynn Medina
- Zachary Rayn Neumann
- Simone Elizabeth Olden
- Alyssa Marie Poulos
- Gavin Monroe Powell
- Austin Sepanski
- Emily Janine Sturino
- McKayla Kristine Sturino
- Azales Torres
- Christian Dominic Torres
- Alyssa Helen Walczak
Book Review 1
This is a sample book review
Pope Benedict Speaks on the Beatification of Pope John Paul II
“Our thoughts turn to yet another beatitude, one which appears in the Gospel before all others. It is the beatitude of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of the Redeemer. Mary, who had just conceived Jesus, was told by Saint Elizabeth: ‘Blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfillment of what was spoken to her by the Lord’ (Lk 1:45). The beatitude of faith has its model in Mary, and all of us rejoice that the beatification of John Paul II takes place on this first day of the month of Mary, beneath the maternal gaze of the one who by her faith sustained the faith of the Apostles and constantly sustains the faith of their successors, especially those called to occupy the Chair of Peter. Mary does not appear in the accounts of Christ’s resurrection, yet hers is, as it were, a continual, hidden presence: she is the Mother to whom Jesus entrusted beach of his disciples and the entire community. In particular we can see how Saint John and Saint Luke record the powerful, maternal presence of Mary in the passages preceding those read in today’s Gospel and first reading. In the account of Jesus’ death, Mary appears at the
foot of the Cross (Jn 19:25), and at the beginning of the Acts of the Apostles she is seen in themidst of the disciples gathered in prayer in the Upper Room (Acts 1:14).”