We are running a 1-month campaign to “fill the gap” of needed revenue to close the fiscal year. We need a total of about $50,000 to balance the budget by year-end, which is June 30. Therefore, I’m asking everyone if they would consider giving approximately $125 toward this campaign. If you have means to give more, we would be very grateful and blessed. Our goal is to end the year in the black.
For those of you who give regularly, we’d love to hear from you. Would you be willing to share your witness as to why you give? Why do you continue to give? What inspires you? Complete this form, which should take 3 minutes or less. Send us your photo and we’ll include your testimonial. We have many generous parishioners, and sometimes it’s your stories that may inspire others to consider their giving habits. CLICK HERE to complete the form.
If you haven’t created a habit of financial giving to the parish, we understand that it may be beyond your circumstances. However, to help us learn more about how we can improve our financial communications, we’d love to learn why. Is it a matter of not being able to make ends meet? Is it because you choose to give toward other charities? Is it because giving to the parish isn’t top of your mind? Is it because you’d like to know more about how we allocate the funds? Any and all reasons will help us in our parish communications. CLICK HERE to complete this form, which should take 60 seconds or less.
Did you know?
- We have a monthly mortgage payment of $30,000
- We have a lean staff, comprised of a total of five paid staff, which primarily focuses on Faith Formation, Music/Youth and Business Operations — these include the many ways that we serve our parish family
- $250,000 goes toward salaries
- $60,000 goes toward Social Security, Medical/Dental Insurance
- $15,000 goes toward Pension
- $90,000 goes toward building maintenance and utilities
The weekend of May 26 at Mass, we will be distributing an envelope for the “Fill the Gap” campaign. We’ve also activated a special page on the home page of www.saint-anne.org. Asking our parishioners to reach into their pockets is never easy. With faith in God and prayers for you and your families, I extend my heartfelt gratitude for anything you are able to contribute to this campaign. CLICK HERE to make a donation toward this campaign
God’s blessings,
Fr. Bob