Below are a list of committees to help with the Love One Another Campaign. Feel free to sign up for one or more that you feel your talents and gifts would be best used.
Ambo/Video: This committee will develop a schedule for ambo talks, which can also be recorded on video. Individuals should be comfortable and passionate about the mission, be comfortable with public speaking and on video. This team will help devise a schedule. If you’d like to participate, but you are more passionate about one element of the case over another, that’s okay too.
Reception/Home Reception Planning: This committee will create a schedule for home receptions (and some at St. Anne), where groups of friends and parishioners can gather over wine and cheese (or other), giving Fr. Bob the opportunity to visit and explain the mission, case and secure pledges.
Personal Outreach: This committee will make personal phone calls and send out reminders to people, explaining the mission and asking for a pledge. This could include tables after Mass, emails and phone calls. Individuals who are friendly and comfortable reaching out to parishioners are needed for this committee.
Administrative: This committee will support the Parish Office and Archdiocese with any administrative aspects. Individuals who have organization and administrative skills are welcome in this committee.
Design/Construction Input: This committee will serve as input to the Design/Construction team. If you have interior design or engineering experience, or experience with design for accommodations needs, this would be a good committee for you.
Capital Campaign Committees
As promised, here are the descriptions of each committee. Please check those that you wish to participate in. We will guide each committee accordingly with ideas for how to get started and what to focus on.