The Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion are very special moments in children’s lives. Preparations to receive these sacraments are integrated into the Faith Formation classes. Those who attend Catholic schools are given the option of attending Faith Formation classes or only the retreats and special sessions for the sacrament for which they are preparing.
In order for children to receive the most out of sacramental preparation, it’s important that parents are active themselves in the sacraments – attending Mass weekly and receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation as often as possible, and at least once per year as expressed in Catholic Church teaching.
Please review the St. Anne’s Sacramental Preparation Requirements 2023/2024 and the First Communicant Formation Schedule 2023/2024.
PLEASE NOTE: A signed Preparation Policy Parent Agreement is due by October 1, 2023 for all families preparing for First Holy Communion.
For questions or concerns regarding Sacramental Preparation, please contact DRE Mary Mowry at or (262) 942-8300 ext. 104.
Top Ten Questions Kids Have About First Eucharist
Top Ten Questions Parents Have About First Eucharist
“Parents have the first responsibility for the education of their children. They bear witness to this responsibility first by creating a home where tenderness, forgiveness, respect, fidelity, and…service are the rule…Parents should initiate their children at an early age into the mysteries of the faith of which they are the ‘first heralds’ for their children. They should associate them from their tenderest years with the life of the Church.”
“…Parents have a grave responsibility to give good example to their children. By knowing how to acknowledge their own failings to their children, parents are better
able to guide and correct them… Parents should initiate their children at an early age into the mysteries of the faith of which they are the ‘first heralds’ for their children. They should associate them from their tenderest years with the life of the Church. A wholesome family life can foster interior dispositions that are a genuine preparation for a living faith and remain a support for it throughout one’s life…Parents have the mission of teaching their children to pray and to discover their vocation as children of God. The parish is the Eucharistic community and the heart of the liturgical life of Christian families; it is a privileged place for the catechesis of children and parents.”
Excerpts from CCC 2221-2226
“Parish life itself is an aid to parents because it is here, at the Eucharistic banquet, that they are nourished by Christ Himself. The vibrancy of the parish community, the beauty of worship, and the example of generous love and service of parishioners strengthens parents in the faith.”
From the National Directory for Catechesis: p.235